Friday, March 15, 2024

February 2024 Board Minutes


February 20, 2024 School Board Meeting Agenda

Cabrini Hall 6:00pm

Present: Father Mark Reyling, Jason Swann, Kent Ingersoll, Marlyn Cairatti, Maria Deaton, Krista Cawvey, Jami Burris, Sarah Hagler, Jocelyn Popit, Brandon Watson, Liz Lively, Dr. Josh Miksanek, and Scott Stefan

Opening Prayer & Welcome

School Committee Report:

Mardi Gras- Kent reported the event brought in approximately $27,000 in sales, but that was not the profit. He is still waiting on a couple of sponsorships to come in. Approximately 540 meals were served.


Fish Fry- This Friday, 5-7 pm, forms will be sent home on Wednesday, February 21.


Auction- The committee has been working hard. The event is the first weekend in May.


Calendars- Kent is still trying to get calendars returned, and then he will give an update.


Liz found new people to be in charge of the fish fries and golf scramble.


Rice Bowls will be sent home Wednesday, February 21. They should be returned the week before Easter.


Principal’s Report:

School Activity- Catholic Schools Week went really well. The focus is on our Catholic identity. We’re making good progress as a school and a staff. Everything is going well. It’s been a positive year, students seem positive. Personnel- Dr. Brazis and Mr. Swann interviewed a candidate for an additional fifth grade position. Next year, we will have two first grades, one second grade, and Kindergarten is in limbo right now. Mrs. Shurtz has agreed to move to third grade. Curriculum committee will meet soon with Mrs. Shurtz leading the committee.


Tuition Discussion for 2024- The terminology will be changed from Catholic and Non-Catholic to Parishioner and Non-Parishioner. It also says the default rate is the non-parishioner rate until the form is signed by the correct pastor. Mr. Swann asked for any further information/questions. Father Mark and Mr. Swann will now meet to decide on the tuition rates for next year. Dr. Miksanek asked about the possibility of families moving due to the increase. Mr. Swann said he does not foresee that happening. Sarah Hagler and Liz Lively suggested skillful marketing and letting families know as early as possible. Dr. Miksanek suggested putting some of the increased costs that the school has in the letter to families. Jocelyn Popit suggested comparing metrics (percent increase) with other local schools. Liz Lively suggested marketing with a focus on loving our kids and our school.


Principal Appraisal Forms Reminder: Please send them to Father Mark this week.


PreK Discussion- Mr. Swann said that at this point, he is not sure that it is the wisest decision to add a PreK this fall. He suggests waiting a year. PreK is self-sufficient, but it does not profit the entire school. Mr. Swann is still waiting for an approximate cost for expanding the PreK. Liz Lively asked what the percentage of PreK students is that stay and go to Kindergarten. Mr. Swann says it is extremely high. No one suggested going forward with the new PreK classroom this fall.


Approval of January Minutes: Jocelyn Popit motioned. Sarah Hagler seconded. None opposed.

Pastor’s Report: 

Father Mark reported that Mardi Gras went well with many compliments for the food. The 2nd grade parent meeting is Thursday, February 22 to discuss Reconciliation and First Communion. First Reconciliation is March 7, the FACE Trivia Night to benefit the bus that travels to Notre Dame High School is on March 8th, the Parish Penance Service will be at 3 pm on March 17, and Sister Paulette has the Confirmation retreat scheduled for the 8th graders.

Work is being done on the patio for the rectory to repair a leaking roof. Bides are signed and work should be scheduled soon. Tuck pointing and sealing the gym is on the schedule for the summer.

Adjournment: Date of Next Meeting:  March 19, 2024

Closing Prayer